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An Inspiring Cooperative Story Since 1925
COVID-19 accelerated three trends that could persist to varying degrees after the pandemic with different implications for work. “First, hybrid remote work could continue: 20 to 25 percent of workers in advanced economies and about 10 percent in emerging economies
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Editors pick
An Inspiring Cooperative Story Since 1925
COVID-19 accelerated three trends that could persist to varying degrees after the pandemic with different implications for work. “First, hybrid remote work could continue: 20 to 25 percent of workers
Ensuring Cooperative Brand development and Brand positioning
For cooperatives to be more active, the ease of doing business is an essential factor. In this competitive world, the brand has huge significance.
Role of Cooperatives in Poverty Eradication and Employment Generation in India: The Role Of Women
Introduction Cooperatives are the organizations which are deeply embedded within the communities in which they reside. They are an important model of democratic decentralization as they are governed by democratic
Implications of Model Byelaw of PACS in Kerala – Cooptalks
Cooperatives in Kerala by Cooptalks The state of Kerala has a very strong cooperative movement. It can be classified into short-term cooperative credit structure and long-term cooperative credit structure and
Featured authors
Sanjay Verma
Director, NCUI
Kishor Kumar
Director, NLCFI
Sharangouda G.Patil
Managing Director,
KSSFCL Bengaluru