An Inspiring Cooperative Story Since 1925

Cooptalks | Inspiring Cooperative Story

COVID-19 accelerated three trends that could persist to varying degrees after the pandemic with different implications for work. “First, hybrid remote work could continue: 20 to 25 percent of workers in advanced economies and about 10 percent in emerging economies could work from home three to five days a week, mainly in the computer-based office work arena.

Role of Cooperatives in Poverty Eradication and Employment Generation in India: The Role Of Women

Cooptalks | Role of Cooperatives in Poverty Eradication

Introduction Cooperatives are the organizations which are deeply embedded within the communities in which they reside. They are an important model of democratic decentralization as they are governed by democratic principles and values which is well reflected in their functioning at the grass-root levels. The panchayats and cooperatives are important forms of decentralized model of […]

Implications of Model Byelaw of PACS in Kerala – Cooptalks

Cooperatives in Kerala by Cooptalks The state of Kerala has a very strong cooperative movement. It can be classified into short-term cooperative credit structure and long-term cooperative credit structure and non-agricultural credit cooperatives. 2082 primaryagricultural credit societies/farmers service cooperative societies/ rural cooperative societies/banks /agricultural improvement societies and 76 primarycooperative agricultural and rural development banks (PCARDBs) […]

Coop-owned media in India; Prospects and Opportunities

Cooptalks - Coop owned india

Today’s youth is called GenTech, and for good reason. Technology has become a part and parcel of almost everyone’s lives, especially the youth’s. In general, each one of us wishes to keep abreast of the latest trends and gadgets. While technology has done wonders for the world, the debate is still on as to how good or bad technology is for us.